Fellowship for Moms
All moms of ASCS students are invited to join the Fellowship for Moms group. Fellowship for Moms meets twice per month, allowing moms time to gather for fun and spiritual growth. Contact Lisa Burek with questions.
CLICK HERE to join the Fellowship for Moms Facebook group.
Events and Meetings for 2022-2023
September 15 - Kick-Off/Walking With Purpose: Week 1
October 6 -Pottery Painting & Fellowship (Creatopia in Plymouth)
October 20 - Yoga Night
November 3 - Walking With Purpose: Week 3
November 17 - Speaker
December 1 - Advent Tea
December 15 - Walking With Purpose: Week 4
January 19 - Walking With Purpose: Week 5
February 2 - Galentines
February 16 - TBD
March 2 - Walking With Purpose: Week 6
March 16 - Game Night
April 20 - Walking With Purpose: Week 7
May 11 - Spring Service Project/Mother's Day Pampering
May 25 - Walking With Purpose: Week 8