Our Technology



At All Saints we are changing the way teachers teach, interact with their students and families, and the way students learn and engage in course materials.  As an educational institution, it is All Saints Schools' mission to prepare students to live and thrive in the era infused with technology. Students need to be able to think critically, problem-solve, discern truth from a variety of resources, research, present learning in a variety of ways, and create, store, and retrieve information.  Throughout the building technology is incorporated in the following ways:

  • Smartboard technology in each classroom
  • Weekly computer classes for grades K-6; 7-8 computer coding, Lego robotics, technology applications classes
  • iPad stations for center-based learning in grades K, 1, and 2
  • Chromebook carts for grades K-1; 1 to 1 Chromebooks for grades 2-8