Enrichment & Support
All Saints Catholic School offers a wide range of support programs to ensure academic success.
Guidance and Counseling Support (Early Childhood – Grade 8)
The school counselor assists students in reaching their academic, social, and personal potential by offering personalized counseling services, in addition to school-wide guidance programs. The school counselor works directly with parents, teachers, and administration to ensure each student has the support they need to thrive in the school environment.
Math and Language Arts Support (Kindergarten – Grade 3)
Individualized and small group academic support for reading and math is provided to students in grades K-3 on the basis of need. Our math and language arts support staff work directly with teachers to identify, evaluate, and provide direct support to students experiencing learning challenges. Using research-based assessments, student-centered intervention plans, and ongoing progress monitoring, those students who need additional support receive individualized instruction to support their unique learning needs.
Academic Support Team (Grades 4 – 8)
Individualized and small group academic support is available for students in grades 4-8 on the basis of need. Our support staff work together and with teachers to identify and support students with learning challenges or learning plans. Teachers implement strategies to support students in the classroom and additional support is provided on the basis of need and availability to help each student achieve to their potential.
Plymouth-Canton Support Services (Kindergarten – Grade 8)
All Saints works closely with representatives from Plymouth-Canton Community Schools to provide special education services for those students with an IEP. When needed, a multi-disciplinary team meets to determine student eligibility for direct and consultative services provided by Plymouth-Canton. In coordination with our administration, teachers, and enrichment support specialists, those students who qualify for special education services will receive support in accordance with their IEP.